Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bonjour mes amours

I'm new to the world of blogging but I'm excited at the prospect of it!
My work, the process involved, my daily life and what inspires me are all things I will share, and hopefully it will give me the chance to connect with other artists and creative people.

In a couple of months I begin my second year studying Photography at the Queensland College of Art, majoring in Creative Advertising. I'm excited and nervous in equal amounts.

Here are some of the latest images I have produced, in a much more experimental style than i'm used to. I achieved the nostalgic, grainy feel by placing my grandma's old stocking over the lense, and shooting 35mm film 400 ISO. It's great being on holidays as I get to experiment and produce as much as I like, without any sort of guidelines.

Please click on the images to view them full size:

Jessica, my twin sister is the model. You can find her blog at:

For more of my work you can find me on flickr:
and deviant:

Au Revoir x


  1. wow great work I love it !! I love to take photos and then to edit them but you are amazing by this


  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. thankyou, you are too kind, Sena! :)
